Monday, September 26, 2011

Where did the week go exactly? 9/26/2011

Hello Everyone!
This week went by way too fast for my liking, lots of crazy stuff happened. Tuesday we talked to a guy who claimed that the leader of his church was the only true apostale..... he also told me prophets were an open book you could never know what they were going to say,this was in the middle of lots of random scriptures that didnt make sense to anyone involved in the conversation, "i just said great lets see a scripture about that" he stared at me for a second and started flipping randomly through a bible, that he pulled out of who knows where, and i said "maybe amos 3:7 would help you." he read it (look it up in the Bible) and then quickly changed the subject. Point is: there will be many false prophets and many false christs in these the latter days, we have to stay glued to scripture study and prayer and temple attendance in order to not get confused in the teachings of men, This is the true church, the restored gospel on the earth, and the only church with the authority necessary to act in the name of God. so put on the armor of God (Ephesians) and we will be strong and the devil with his whore over all the waters (1 nephi 11-14) will have no power against us, over us, under us whatever! God is on our side :) also we had a family home evening with the branch, it was pretty much a testimony meeting, i shared my testimony in English... There wasnt a person there thatdidnt understand me, even the man who didnt know what hello meant. It was a great expirience. It really doesnt matter what we say or what language we say it in, when the spirit is there, they who also feel it will understand. we found a man who speaks better english than spanish, we.... well i am teaching him in english, he is the most interested person i have met while i have been here. Its a reall change teaching someone who has been thouroghly (however you spell that, spell check is in spanish so.....) prepared by the lord. :) i also had a really good Split with Elder Rodriguez from Puerto Rico, I have known him most of my mission, he was my Zone Leader half the time in my other area and is my Zone Leader here, I learned alot from him and he helped me get even more excited to get work done! he is 20 months in and not anywhere near trunky, scared to death of going home actually... he doesnt know what hes going to do to get a girlfriend, he has gained a little bit of weight in the mission lol. Also, last story, I had a really nice black and gold watch that i bought in Monterrey, it was broke for the longest time, but i fixed it saturday night and wore it to church on sunday. we have been battling with unity in the branch and i was pondering how to get it done, i then remembered something i heard once: sacrificing and showing love for others brings people together. just then the ward mission leader  showed me a scripture, "... ask and you shall recieve, knock and it shall be given unto you..." he put the word watch in place of it, and i said you know what, he is struggling with everything hes going through, and i have my watch i wear normally, so i gave it to him, and i felt good about it.
T-T-Thats all folks, 
Elder Paden W Allen

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